Fun City Motel

2233 Las Vegas Blvd S 1952-2020-2020

The infamous Fun City, home to the famous Chapel of the Bells (still there), was so vibrant and inviting that it was truly a one-stop motel for your Vegas needs. Given the sleep, eat, and get married style, I decided to go formal for the frame of this neon beauty.

A true trailblazer of a motel needed a certain refined frame to reflect its true nature: all business. I call this style The Tuxedo. Ready to party, get married, and take your money.

This frame holds a secret behind it, almost like the wall safe hidden in the manager’s office. The back is made from small offcuts I assembled to spell out Fun City. Since this was now of solid wood, this could be bolted on, securing David’s illustration permanently.

I like to tell people this is my play against capitalism and how it changed Vegas into just a grind em up type of town but that’s only partially true. I was also watching March Madness and National Treasure at the time. So maybe I bolted a basketball court floor to the back in case Nicolas Cage decided to try and steal this one. Honestly, that would be so rad.

Katalox, Curly Maple, Bloodwood

Bloodwood spacer, Curly Maple Mat

Bloodwood splines, Mosaic Back

20.25 x 17.25 x .75

Build Photos