The Par-a-Dice Inn Motel

2217 Fremont St 1953-2010-2011

Dice, I love ‘em. Nothing beats a good game of chance, and dice hold a certain truth to their randomness that many hold sacred, as long as they are manufactured properly.

Upon delivery of this piece, David said what I was already thinking, “How cool would it be to incorporate some real dice into the frame?” Only thing was, he was thinking casino dice and I was only thinking of how to perfectly make some of my own.

Well, after a lot of trial and error and over a dozen prototypes, I was finally able to get 4 die within 1/1000” of perfect cubeness. I decided not to inlay them but to use them as bowties of sorts on the miter joint. This allows you to see the “bottom of the dice verifying they are anatomically correct.

I chose Cherry for the frame because of its beautiful wavy grain mirroring the water of the pool, while the Katalox for the mat matched the trim of the Inn Motel. This gives the piece a 1950s boathouse feel, which isn’t what I was going for but quite the pleasant surprise.


Katalox Mat

Corners fitted with Custom Bloodwood Dice

16.25 x 20.25 x .75